You know when I started this blog I wanted to do so much, or so I told myself. I didn't necessarily want to talk about me, but about LGBT issues and how they effect me and my community. It has not really worked out that way.
#1 I have been completely inconsistent, and #2 I have been going thru so much in my personal life, that's all I really have wanted to talk about but for some reason I have just been hesitant to, scared to even. Weird huh, alot that is going on has to do with M and until 5 mins ago I had her on the email list to receive the post when I do a new one. So I guess I have been afraid to rock the boat even more, and add extra fuel to the fire.
But this morning, .... this morning if I do not say something, if I do not begin to let part of this out I am gonna scream!
I feel like my life is falling apart, and although I have been raised in church, FAITH, ... faith is definitely a struggle. I have been trying to have faith and believe that this is just another season that is passing thru my life for a reason, but it is so hard for me to hold onto that notion right now.
No money, no car (it died almost 2 months ago), and a failing relationship.... has made for a very uneasy, unhappy, semi-depressed Lady K. This is so not my character, trying to pray and praise my way thru everyday but I slip. I slip daily, start off thanking God but then end up saying why God by the end of the day. I am working on me.
*Big,Comfort Hug*