Wednesday, March 24, 2010

There Should be Classes Damn It!

After reading Chanel's post over at The Raimbow Room this morning I feel like there should be classes damn it!!! Well I have always felt that a lot of us could benefit from some type of guidance courses, or self help group or DVD or something! I don't know of any out there so I guess the blogs will have to do for now.....

I think coming into your own, learning who you are, "labeling" yourself, is a difficult thing when you factor in all the bull shit you may or may not encounter from the outside world, your family, and anyone who thinks they have the right to comment on your "lifestyle or personal choices". So when you add to the drama knowing how to behave and treat your friends, potential lovers, and yourself it can become system overload.

If I am real with myself I don't have what it takes or haven't quite figured out what it takes to make a Girl on Girl relationship work. Hell I had a hard enough time trying to figure out dating when I was exclusively dating men, now I throw women in the mix and I think I just expect them to know more, but its not quite that simple. I'm a fem, and I feel like I know my role, and I don't think that it has changed much with the gender, and maybe there in lies my problem. In my personal background, I had a father that was there but not there, definitely did not know how to talk to us and tell us what to expect from men or our significant others. He was too busy doing his own foolishness, and what I saw from him definitely did not make me want to say "oooooh I want a stud or man just like you daddy". And my mom, she tried but there was some valuable lessons that were missed, she was so busy ensuring that we just didn't give it up, that I honestly missed out on the lessons of just how to be lady, be courted, be me, play my position. I am sure I am not the only one that just wasn't taught or groomed on how to be.

There are some of us be it stud, fem, woman, or man that just have good manners, and a tender heart, who adapt and try to learn lifes lessons and actually take the lessons as a stepping stone in the right direction. But some its like the blind leading the blind. I can't teach a stud how to be a stud, no more than I could teach a man how to be a man, and no more than they could tell them how to be me. Oh but a lil guidance could go a long way. I know its asking for too much, but if we could find a way maybe the dating scene in LGBT community would not be such a joke. As it is right now either your in an instant marriage or caught up playing the field whether you like it or not.

Just a thought, but lets just say from a stud stand point, if you were never taught how to treat a woman, like you don't have a good representation of a man in your life to show you the ropes or if you are not willing to learn, how can you know your role. If your mom, sister, aunts, grandma etc never talked to you or showed you how to be a lady, how do you know what to expect, what to look for from your female suiters. From a fem stand point, how do I know what to look for in my friend, lover, counter part if I was never shown or taught what to expect or what to do.

Maybe if I had this, if I knew more, if I was exposed to the likes of being a "gentleman" or charming on a regular basis then maybe I would not get all warm and fuzzy inside at the first sign of someone who just has good manners. I missed the lessons on just being friends too, so I can honestly say I have crossed a line or two.... and could have used the 411.

I am just saying....


  1. Man, I would so take that class!

    I used to be under the false assumption that two women in a relationship together would eliminate drama. Shit, I was soooo wrong about that! In fact, there is way more drama. I should have known...what the hell was I thinking? So blind.

    I need that class! Lol...

  2. Yes ma'am, you and me both! I would never miss a class and turn in all my homework. There is definitely the potential for more drama, ooooh it starts off so peaceful then WAM! Would love a way to stop the cycle!!!

  3. let me add my 2 cents...its not about roles, its all about the two people that are in the relationship. the only thing that is different about a homesexual relationship and a hetero relationship is the fact that one has two of the same sex...everything else is the same. I have been on both sides of the coin-dating men for the majority of my life-I know how ignant dudes can be too.
    i have to agree that the dynamic in a lesbian relationship is very unique because women are emotional creatures and oftentimes we let those emotions control how we act resulting in a bunch of catty vindictive behavior.

    Basically what I am saying here is that there are jacked up lesbos who have control issues and inseurities etc just like the rest of the population. A girl on girl relationship will only "work" when the right parties are involved. The same as in all relationships.

    I have been with the same woman for 6 years now and we just work good together. Before here I had an insecure wanna be in control girlfriend and we made each other's life sum it up-we just werent right for each other. Frankly, thats what it boils down to...the two people must be right for each other, otherwise you will forever be waking up in a bed fulla shit every day.

    I could say a million things about this, but I dont want to take over your blog...
