Sunday, November 15, 2009


I have just a lil rant, lol. Can someone tell me what the big deal is with using the term bisexual. Ok in recent months I have come to learn that M doesn't like the term and doesn't appreciate that I am, I swear I never knew this, you would think we just met, lol.

When I set up the blog, I put on the profile that I was bi, that's how I classify myself. Let me break it down so you guys will understand where I am coming from. M is the only woman I have been with, that means I have not seen or touched a "real" winkie woo in almost 4 yrs, but I am still attracted to men. Now my attraction to women is new for me, and has grown with our relationship, first it was just M or so I thought, now I increasingly fine my self noticing other "studs" and appreciating other "femme's" shape. So I am attracted to both men and women, I thought that is what the term Bi meant.

For her it just seems to send up red flags, she used to date men too, but came out to herself about a year before we met (she was still in the closet the first yr of our relationship, half way anyway), and her first two encounters were with bisexual women like herself at the time. But for her she quickly realized that although she wasn't ready to come out of the closet she only wanted to be with women, however the other two women did not have the same revelation. The first one realized she cared for M but could never be in a relationship with a woman, so that was short lived. Then she started dating a friend, who was openly bisexual, and then up pops the girls out of state boyfriend. Then comes lil old, green me. Lol. I never turned back, and we have been together every since, so it should be a mute point right. You would think by now she knows that I am not changing my mind and she is not just a fly by night booty call, right? Not, its like when she saw the word on my blog it brought up old memories and I have had the term bisexual thrown at me in the last few months more than I ever have.

Unfortunately for me it appears that there is this automatic type cast when it comes to the term bisexual. I don't hop from one bed to the next, and I don't consider myself indecisive. I am not confused, or bi-curious. I am bisexual meaning I like both sexes, I am attracted to both sexes, capable of loving both sexes. It does not mean that I am doing any of this with two separate people at the same time or together. I am learning as I go, and my appetite is expanding, but I don't get the automatic assumption that comes along with the description.

I am not naive, everyone has a difference of opinion, their own vices, quirks vice versus, not to mention their own likes, dislikes, freakiness, etc. What I am attempting to say is that not every Bisexual person is the same, its like grouping every Lesbian, Gay Man, or Transgender into the same category and that's what we fight against, right?

I am me, I am confident in myself, and I have been embracing my journey all the way.
I am quite capable of loving one person and only one person. I never knew some Lesbian women had a problem with Bisexual women, and I get it to a certain extinct, but why group every woman into a small narrow minded group. I am forever learning......but someone has to help me with this one.


  1. Apparently some lesbian women seems to think that if they are with a bi-sexual women, she will always yearn for a man and fear that they will be left for a man eventually. I read some article about this one but i can't find it now to post the link.

  2. Man, I saw the title to this post and I couldn't click on it fast enough. As a bisexual woman myself, I could feel everything you were saying especially...

    "Unfortunately for me it appears that there is this automatic type cast when it comes to the term bisexual. I don't hop from one bed to the next, and I don't consider myself indecisive. I am not confused, or bi-curious. I am bisexual meaning I like both sexes, I am attracted to both sexes, capable of loving both sexes. It does not mean that I am doing any of this with two separate people at the same time or together."

    Now, I did used go through a confused phase... not knowing what was going on with me. However in my opinion, being bisexual has nothing to do with being confused. So, I feel like while I was going through that phase, I was not bisexual. Once I came to the conclusion that I could love either a man or a woman then that is when I accepted this label... because that is what it means.

    Renee acts like M does sometimes. She has even admitted to me before that she thinks I will eventually end up with a man... that she won't be enough for me. I have spent much effort in trying to prove to her that I am genuine.

    Will doubt and insecurity always be present in a bisexual/lesbian relationship?

    Is this the way it will always be?

    Lol...Instead of answering your question, I added some of my own. Sorry...

    I don't understand it either, Lady K.

  3. @ SunSoakerB, I will have to look up the site, but yes this apparently her fear and I never knew it. All I can do is keep being me and trying to show her the difference.

    @ SweetT, Lol!, I totally understand. This is a learning process to say the least. I would be lying to say I don't understand where the concern comes from especially because of her previous relationships, but at the same time I feel like if anything I have set the standard for how you can expect to be treated in a relationship. Because I did know her past I worked hard to show her I was not the same caliber of person. Me being bisexual should not and will not ever change that. So I will just keep being me, and hopefully the insecurities won't take over the relationship. But Girl if you find an answer before I do PLEASE let me know. LOL!

  4. ok, I was wrong, It was not on, it was on anyway here is the link:

    and another one about bi-sexuality being almost invisible in LBGT.

  5. after reading your post I had to chuckle to myself. the lesbian community ALWAYS likes to label and define women in some way and bisexual women always get a bad rap. I am sure that you are aware that there are some women who wear that title (bi) to explain away the fact that they are just freaks and like to screw around with anything that moves. I believe that this is where the lesbians with the bad perception of bi women get their fear. You are right; a bisexual is a person who is attracted to both sexes..nothing more. I personally identify myself as a lesbian, but I am attracted to men. I am however not interested in having a sexual relationship with a man...but this is not to say that I will NEVER have a sexual relationship with a man ever again. I hope that one day, the gay/lesbian community will understand that sexuality is fluid and everyone can't say with certainty that they will always be attracted to one or the other sex. To understand this requires one to think in a mature manner and understand that sexual orientation and sexual identity or not one in the same. Good Post though....

  6. first, i'm glad you are back.

    second, great post. i'm like trisha's daughter. i identify myself as a lesbian but i still find men attractive. my girl on the other hand is still very much attracted to men. we have some of these same issues. i don't have any answers either. all i know is i love her, she loves me, and we are making it work.

  7. After reading this post I can truly respect everything you've written. Not only do you speak with clarity but you reveal an aura of confidence that exudes me.

    Good post.
