Friday, June 18, 2010

MIA-Always Something

So I have been completely MIA the last couple of months. The last time I posted I was trying to talk out my relationship, really trying to do it for myself to see if there was somthing I could do to fix it, something I was missing. Well needless to say that ship has sailed. I did not realize how toxic we had become, and few weeks after my post, I found out that she had left the relationship months before. talking about ripping a heart out. Anyway needless to say I have not been myself.

When I started this blog, I wanted to be community activist woman, I haven't got it together yet! I have been focusing so much on the past, and what I thought was my future that I have gotten nothing accomplished.

So tonight starts fresh, hopefully, LOL. Got to get out this funk and quit spinning my wheels!

I see I have missed so much, hello blog world, I have missed you so!


  1. Hello stranger! I am sorry to read about the end of your relationship, but I am glad to read that you are rising above it... wiser I hope. Welcome back, Lady! :)

  2. Hey Sweet! Thanks hun, always wiser or atleast trying to be, I believe as painful as it was, it was my wake up call. And I know there has to be something better for me! So I will keep it pushing, LOL!
