Monday, June 28, 2010

Out and Proud

I can't talk, cause its taken me 4 years to get comfortable in my own skin, and I am still working on me, but I have to ask.

Did anyone see the homepage of Yahoo a couple of days ago? When I got ready to log in to check my email one of the flashing topics was OUT and PROUD CELEBS. I had to check out the scoop, but there was no surprise, 21 celebs and the only African American was Wanda Sykes. Now I know darn well they did not poll everyone or even begin to dig, I guess they only did the ones they felt we cared about, or the TOP celebs. Ummm, anyooo.....

Ok maybe I am reading to much into this but I looked at the ratio and what I feel was the symbolism of it. 1/ really, now we have people that have been suspected and some we out and out "know" but they will not confirm, in our African American Community but how many shout it from a roof top. Do you remember when you came out to your family and friends (and for those of us working on it) and some of them automatically said its cool, but don't make it public, everyone is not going to be understanding or love you like I do. Like they seriously just put you in a box right then and there and basically made you feel like you still had to hide who you are.

Ok maybe that just happened to me, cause mama straight said ok but don't flaunt it! SMH
And til this day, I still hear that playing in my head, or the fact that my family still refers to it has my "situation". Do you think celebs have those same issues, like do you think their families are behind the scenes, saying "you bet not embarrass me", or " you know if you say something, they will take all this away from you". Of Course they do, no one is perfect and family is family. However it seems like Caucasian people, don't care.... now I will not cross that boundary and stereotype everyone, because I know people from all walks of life, and drama has no respect of person or family.

But on the other hand, for white people it seems one or two things happen, they either say F it, I will go on any way, and say "I will do me and you will have to love me", and they become this wonderful outspoken gay activist and humanitarian. Or their family embraces them and they become this wonderful outspoken gay activist and humanitarian. This is a huge generalization but if I apply the same 1/21 scenario that Yahoo has that's what I come up with.

I am just saying, as African Americans, again may be I am reaching here, is it our community, our immediate families, our support system that put us in a box. Does this box trickle over into our every day lives, does it become an infection that we can't get rid of. Can it cause us to second guess our every move. Can it cause gay, bisexual, or lesbian Celebs to hide who they are, because as a part of their extended families, their community, some of "us" would shut them out without so much of a second thought. Just a thought, how much of a domino effect is it?!

P.S. I have to say, I love my family and they have a truly came a long way! Had to make that PSA.


  1. I agree that it is harder for African American gay, lesbian, bisexual, etc. because it just isn't accepted. In my Mama's words "That's what white folk do." or "You hang out with her too much. You better watch her, some of those white girls are funny." She talks about it like it is a disease that I can catch.
    I know what I want for my future, but I do second guess it because I think about the "domino effect" it might have in my life, career, most importantly, family.

  2. Good Point. I wonder when Queen Latifa will come out and be a voice for us? When I told my mom I was a Lesbian she said "Don't be silly, lesbians do not live happy lives. The only happy lesbian you see is Ellen!" I wasn't laughing then (6 months ago)but when I think about it now, I die laughing.
